February 13, 2015

Four ways for maintaining automobile safe airbag

Airbags, as the name suggests is to protect drivers and passengers safe, safe driving, the airbag will not play a role, especially in the frontal crash once an emergency occurs, it will play a role to ensure the safety of your life. Therefore, understanding and careful maintenance of the car's airbags is one thing you can not be ignored.

First, the airbag is a disposable product. After the collision detonated, the airbag will no longer have the ability to protect, and to be sent back to repair factory to replace a new airbag. Due to the different models, the price is not the same as the airbag. Re-installation of a new airbag system includes sensors and computer controller, generally need about 5,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan.
Second, do not balloon in front of, above or near the place items. Because the balloon will explode in an emergency situation, so do not balloon in front of, above or near the place items to prevent detonation was hurt when the airbag occupant ejections out. In addition, the installation CD, radio and other accessories in the room, to comply with the manufacturer's requirements, not free to modify parts and lines fall within the scope of the airbag system, so as not to affect the normal operation of the airbag
Third, children have to pay attention when using airbags. At present, many airbags are designed for adults, including the airbag in the car's location, height. Balloon inflated, it may cause harm to the child in the front row. Suggested that children placed in the rear center position and secure.
Fourth, pay attention to the daily maintenance of the airbag. Mounted on the dashboard of the vehicle when the airbag indicator light, under normal circumstances, the ignition switch to the ACC position or the ON position, the warning light will shine about forty-five seconds to self-check, then turns off. If the warning light stays on, it means that the airbag system failure, you should immediately repair the airbag malfunction or misuse of the situation in order to avoid the emergence of pop.

Some OBD diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X431 GDS, Launch X431 Diagun III, Launch X-431 PAD, Autel MaxiSys MS908 and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/four-ways-for-maintaining-automobile-safe-airbag/

Posted by: obdtools at 05:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 388 words, total size 5 kb.

February 12, 2015

How to properly maintained car engine

Engine wear will affect its normal operation, the heavy will cause the engine to a shorter life. So, on the vehicle maintenance, wear control is essential to take appropriate means of automobile engine. So to reduce engine wear, need which the check engine?

High quality oil
The engine is running, the internal metal surface of the cylinder at high speeds of several hundred degrees Celsius environment, mutual friction, inevitably leading to wear of the engine; especially for a long continuous operation and the load and heavy trucks, may produce wear sex even higher. High-quality oil can effectively control engine wear, not only that, it can effectively suppress the generation of carbon and sludge, thereby controlling impurities within the oil channel surface wear and tear on the engine.
Ensure that the water, oil in the normal state
Want to make a smaller engine wear, the need to always concerned about the state of the water / oil dashboard. In general, the water temperature should be controlled at about 80 degrees Celsius is appropriate, and the oil pressure gauge is displayed as 1 kg if traveling in the slow, shown as 4-5 pounds of oil pressure is normal Express travel. If some vehicles with engine oil pressure light, respect and pay attention to the oil pressure light is illuminated, lit it indicates that the state is not normal, the driver will need to attract attention, car maintenance should be carried out immediately.
Develop good driving habits
Poor driving habits of engine damage is very large, to control the speed while driving, proper coordination of engine speed and gear control, avoid low-speed, high-grade low speed. In addition, the vehicle should be kept constant speed, driving the process to avoid Bigfoot throttle, brakes Bigfoot, not to change lanes frequently. Usually for a truck to run high-speed road, the 80 km / h is more fuel-efficient, safe speed.

Some Auto diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X-431 PADII, Launch X431 IV, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiScan JP701 and so on.
Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/how-to-properly-maintained-car-engine/

Posted by: obdtools at 07:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 352 words, total size 4 kb.

February 11, 2015

How to prevent and timely maintenance of automobile oil spills

In the use of the car, often leak failure occurs, it will directly affect the technical performance of the car, leading to oil, fuel waste, power consumption, the impact of the car clean and tidy, causing environmental pollution. Because oil spills, reduce internal engine oil, resulting in poor mechanical lubrication, insufficient cooling, can cause mechanical damage early, even leaving accidents.

First, The common main reason for the vehicle oil spill

1, the product (accessories) quality, material or workmanship is poor; structural design problems.

2, improper assembly of high speed, with the dirty surface, liner damage, displacement or failure to standardize procedures for installation.

3, tighten the nut force uneven, slippery silk buckle or break off as a result of work Songkuang failure.

4, after long-term use of the sealing material wear off limits, aging metamorphism, deformation failure.

5, lubricants add too much oil too high or mistake of oil.

6, parts (side cover type, thin-walled parts) engagement surface deflection, the housing is damaged, so that oil leakage.

7, vent plug, after the check valve plug, due to the pressure difference inside and outside the enclosure role, often lead to seal leakage weaknesses.

Second, Oil spill prevention measures of vehicle

1, emphasis on cushioning effect. Automotive standing parts (such as the end face of each engagement, each cover, shell, cover mats, flat enamel cover, etc.) gasket leak-proof seal between components plays a role. If the materials, production quality and installation does not meet the technical specifications, leak-proof seal would not achieve the role, and even accidents. Such as the oil pan or valve cover, due to the large contact area and difficult to compaction, the resulting oil spill. Note that when handling properly placed, carefully check the press specification assembly.

2, various types of fastening nut torque the car are tightening regulations required. Too loose, not tight pressure pads would leak; they will screw around tight metal bumps or threaded twist slip caused oil spills. In addition, the oil pan drain plug back if not tighten or loosen off, likely to cause oil loss, and subsequent "bush-burning axle" of engine damage accident.

3, the timely replacement of seal failure. Many parts of the car moving home (such as oil seals, O-rings) due to improper installation, journal and seal edge misalignment, yaw and dumped oil. Some seals used for a long time due to rubber aging and loss of elasticity of the canal. Found leakage should be updated.

4, auto parts used for a long time will produce excessive wear limit (eg, such as piston and cylinder), resulting in the combustion chamber of high pressure gas into the crankcase, and forcing the oil leakage. Therefore, when added to the oil filler cap emissions at channeling serious, should try to repair or replace worn parts.

5, to avoid a one-way valve, vent valve blocked. The resulting temperature rise within the housing, oil filled the entire space, not the canal discharge, increased pressure within the housing so that oil consumption growth and replacement cycles. After the engine ventilation system is blocked, increasing the resistance movement of the piston, so that the fuel consumption increases. Due to the pressure difference inside and outside the enclosure role, often lead to seal leakage weaknesses. Hence the need for regular inspection of the vehicle, and clear, clean.

6, various types of pipe joints sealed properly addressed. Car union nut often removable, easy to slip off the buckle and loose wires; two joint bell poor accuracy, the two do not coincide with the center line of the cone and the bad; not coincide different taper, which will cause oil leakage . Replace the union nut with grinding solve its cone seal, compression nut and resolve seal.

7, to avoid rejection oil hub. Wheel bearings and grease cavity excessive or improper seal assembly, poor quality and aging failure; wheel brake frequently caused by high temperatures; axle nut loose, and this will lead to rejection of the oil hub. So useful "cavity lubrication" vent clear, strict selection of high-quality accessories, according to the high-speed assembly and process specifications.

Third, the maintenance and overhaul of the main points of the vehicle

In extremely clean conditions for assembly, parts work surface no bump, no scratches, burrs and other fixtures; strict rules, seals should be properly installed, do not be put in place to prevent deformation; grasp performance specifications and requirements of the seal timely replacement of failed parts; side cover classes for thin-walled parts, the use of sheet metal cold do correction; easy to wear shaft hole type parts can be metallized, repair welding, gluing, machining and other processes in order to achieve the original size; try using a sealant, if necessary, can paint to achieve the desired sealing effect of alternative; slide wire nut off button, release should be repaired or replaced with new parts, and tighten to the specified torque; should be carefully examined before the appearance of quality rubber seal assembly; use press with specialized tools, to avoid distortion beat; filling grease required regular cleaning to clear the vent and check valves. Just do the above, the vehicle is completely leak problems cure.

Some car diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X-431 PAD, Launch X431 Diagun III, Autel MaxiDas DS708, Autel MaxiScan VAG405 and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/how-to-prevent-and-timely-maintenance-of-automobile-oil-spills/

Posted by: obdtools at 06:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 897 words, total size 8 kb.

February 10, 2015

4 Ways to Disinfect Car

Many car owners often neglect cleaning and maintenance. Very easy to breed bacteria, and finally endanger the driver's health. Therefore, even if the car no matter how busy have to remember to do some cleaning and disinfection.
The main methods of disinfection automotive chemical disinfection, photocatalytic disinfection, ozone disinfection and sterilization of activated carbon in four ways. What are the specific advantages of disadvantages of the four methods, as follows:

Chemical disinfection:
The so-called chemical disinfection is to use some disinfectant to wipe the interior of the car, especially in parts of the door handles and other frequently touched, can reach a certain disinfection. The most commonly used disinfectant on the market as peracetic acid, Lysol disinfectant and 84.
Disadvantages: easy to leave chemical residues, causing potential harm, while auto parts also have a certain degree of damage. Chemical disinfectant and bleaching are generally corrosive nature, need to be careful and metal automotive interior parts use.

Photocatalytic disinfection:
Photocatalyst disinfection is the use of the photocatalyst coating film and the chemical reaction sunlight, then the car quickly decompose harmful substances harmless stable material, in order to purify the air function. Advantages photocatalytic disinfection sterilization effect is good, keep a long time.
Disadvantages: photocatalytic disinfection drawback is that it only under ultraviolet light to produce an effect, and ultraviolet radiation on the human body has some damage. In addition, during the operation photocatalytic disinfection of complex, demanding professional operators.

Ozone disinfection:
Ozone disinfection disinfection belong to the car with the air conditioning circulatory system approach, the use of special disinfectant into the circulatory system, may be the car to remove the odor, there are certain disinfection sterilization effect, especially for amines, nicotine, bacteria and so on. Ozone disinfection operation is relatively simple, the hose is connected to a vehicle for disinfection extends into the compartment, open vehicle for disinfection, disinfection to each corner of the car to discharge high concentrations of ozone generated by the high pressure, so just a few minutes on it.
Disadvantages: If prolonged use of ozone disinfection will make the car rubber aging. And ozone quality car decoration beauty shop in different ways, each time the price level disinfection range. And each will leave little odor.

Activated carbon disinfection:
Activated carbon for car owners is the most effective, safest, and most likely way to achieve. Since activated carbon has pores and more features, formaldehyde and other harmful substances with strong adsorption and activated carbon are physical methods, does not produce secondary pollution.
Disadvantages: slow virus, is not complete.

Some auto diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X431 IV, Launch X431 V Pro, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiSys MS908 and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/4-ways-to-disinfect-car/

Posted by: obdtools at 06:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 460 words, total size 6 kb.

February 09, 2015

Six tire self check methods

1. Tie a hole
For a long time already make tires, even temporarily, no problem with them, but at the limit of endurance will load than ever before; in addition, on the same tire if you have three or more tie a hole, we still We recommend that you replace it as soon as possible.
2. Drum package
If the high-speed passing car pits, obstacles and curbs midnight, local tire will deform under severe huge impact force, thereby increasing the internal pressure moment, this is a direct consequence of causing cord sidewall bulge caused by rupture . Also in the same impact strength, high and low profile tires flat tire more easily than cause sidewall bulge. Drum kit has happened tires must be replaced immediately, otherwise there is a puncture hazard.
3. Texture
In general, a normal family car can use every 60,000 km or two years to replace a tire, but for serious tire tread wear should be early replacement. Now fast repair shops have tread wear ruler, the owner can buy a ready test their tire tread wear. In addition, increased tread crack is serious aging symbol can usually appropriate protective wax spray some tires, there is pressure to try not corrosive liquid while driving.
4. Pressure
Most cars are now home use tubeless radial tires for the front-drive for the engine, transmission and other important drive components are pressed at the front, so the front sometimes look a little deflated, but the visual is not accurate and must use special air gauge measurements. Generally the front air pressure between 2.0 -2.2 Pago Pago, (due to the use and design of each vehicle are different, so it is best to use a reference manual on the factory calibration value), the summer can be appropriately lower.
5. Stones
Some owners will often hear when driving their car will be issued a "flap" sound, but the car but there is no fault with it, then you must check is not a pebble stuck in the tire tread in the. In fact, as long as usual taking the time to tread the lines with the key in these stone tablets dug up, the tires will not only be more stable braking grip, but also to avoid the tire noise.
6. Spare tire
To spare to play a real role in the emergency, usually must pay attention to its maintenance. First, we must always check the spare tire pressure; secondly, to pay attention to oil spare eclipse, spare tire rubber products, various oil fear erosion. Rear tire contaminated with oil, inflation will soon eclipse occurs, it will greatly reduce the life of the spare tire. Finally, the spare tire around the life of four years, many owners mistakenly believe that it has no spare tire is new, in fact, even after 4 years and never once used the spare tire should be replaced, otherwise it becomes scrap spare tire .
Some OBD diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X-431 PAD, Launch X-431 PADII, Launch X431 Diagun III, Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/six-tire-self-check-methods/

Posted by: obdtools at 07:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 528 words, total size 7 kb.

February 07, 2015

Rainy day road safety matters needing attention

Check the car before departure
First check wiper. The best is to put every gear wiper try them and see if it is working properly; Also, pay attention to the wiper blade wiper usually used in negative net, if not clean, then we must be replaced. If the wiper failure because of driving rain, it is prone to accidents.
Moreover, the kind of severe tire wear is hidden driving rain, so the tires before driving to note whether there is normal wear and tear.

How to remove the mist produced by the process of moving the car windshield?
The most common method is to turn on the air. This is because the cool air is blown onto the glass, a "cold film" is formed on the surface of the glass to prevent carbon dioxide condensed on the glass, play a defogging effect. You can also buy the auto parts store or fogging dehazers towels. Defogging agent is sprayed onto the glass surface within an automobile, and wipe clean, clear glass in the dirt while also forming a thin transparent protective film on a glass, to prevent the water vapor mist is formed on the glass layer condensation.
What to pay attention to when it rains stop?
First of all, do not stop the rain, air conditioning. In rainy days, when the low-speed parking, gasoline by water vapor, temperature, engine speed and other effects are not able to fully burn. When the car is stopped but the air conditioning did remain open, but the car is still in the closed state of the doors and windows, interior air convection can not, if the engine exhaust carbon monoxide leaking into the car, and it will gradually build up concentration, leading to poisoning and even death of adverse consequences. Secondly, do not stop at stop unsafe in high winds, heavy rain location trees, billboards, telephone poles, walls, etc. Do not stop at the low-lying area, such as tunnel hole, pothole zone, downhill, under the overpass, etc., so the car was flooded.
After driving the car in the rain should be how to care?
First, the car dehumidification. Should open the cold when it rains, it can not only remove the mist, as well as dehumidification function. The rain stopped even have to pay attention, to get rid of as soon as possible the accumulation of moisture, or prone to mildew and other conditions.

Second, the car sterilization. Rain as temperatures and other factors, relatively easy to breed a variety of bacteria, so the interior space disinfection sterilization is particularly important. Focus on clean corners everywhere.

Third, the conservation of the chassis. Owners can conduct a "sealed plastic chassis", which enables chassis and isolated, to corrosion, rust, noise function, can effectively extend the life of the body.

Fourth, check the brake. Because of the braking system has a very strong adhesive force, rain is very easy to enter the brake fluid, it will affect the braking effect, may cause serious Zhidongshiling. For the treatment of this condition, the rain to a professional auto repair shop on the brake system checked.

Some auto diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X431 IV, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiSys MS908, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/rainy-day-road-safety-matters-needing-attention/

Posted by: obdtools at 06:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 556 words, total size 6 kb.

February 05, 2015

Automobile driving at night how to correctly use the lights

Predict the primary road lights
To be able to increase road capacity, the town has generated many of the primary streets from the road. In visiting the primary streets in to the evening, while exports to look at if the lights and also at the entrances. Since the transport sector designed inlet and outlet direction using the almighty, there's a particular streets direction position, normal automobiles can’t direct the sunshine only into and from the primary, side streets can direct light automobiles found in other automobiles.
No fence reduce speed
Many mixed lane no center guardrail, the situation for that vehicle while browsing line once the side lane unimpeded, are available around the vehicle lights are uniform and regular. At this time, carry the type of people on the streets crossing the street, the motive force is frequently because of the sunlight from the vehicle blind spots. Motorists should give consideration to decelerate with the instructions prior to the vehicle was moving with the front from the vehicle once the lights change.
Shadow flicker watch out for people on the streets
If there's a shadow flashing lights, showing that there's a pedestrian before their vehicle or cyclist, and also the distance between your intersections continues to be close. To avoid sudden deceleration people on the streets must advance, don't leave items to chance to be able to avoid accidents.
Fluctuations uneven pavement lights
Additionally, with the oncoming vehicle lights to look for the road ahead fluctuations flatness, you may also make use of the vehicle tail lights observed prior to the discovery from the vehicle car headlights reflecting if the defect.
Effective utilization of the lights of other automobiles driving at night, you are able to enhance the driver's capability to judge, to prevent traffic accidents.

Front lights on first in alley
Toward the spacious urban streets, in addition to a narrow alley and mix the intersection, automobiles or people on the streets frequently all of a sudden come out of the alley, when the driver doesn't take measures to identify danger prone. When we can watch within the mouth drawn from the vehicle lighting can avoid accidents.
In the event that there's direct light from the alley, showing the automobiles drawn out of the mouth sized based on the brightness of lights and lighting can determine the peak of the vehicle: vibrant lights, everywhere for that vehicle, the lights dim, and our prime position of huge cars. Then your driver should decelerate, whistle, used interchangeably far and near lighting help remind one another.

Some auto diagnostic tools will help you test out your vehicle on your own, for example: Launch X-431 PADII, Launch X-431 PAD, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiSys MS908 and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/automobile-driving-at-night-how-to-correctly-use-the-lights/

Posted by: obdtools at 09:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 467 words, total size 7 kb.

February 04, 2015

Automotive steering system fault FAQs

Automobile steering system common fault is mainly: the steering wheel rotation is too large and manipulation of the instability, the front wheel, steering the heavy head, wandering. Steering wheel transport is too large, unstable manipulation check steering pump ball head, the place such as the king pin and bushing, wheel bearing wear, such as severely worn or clearance overrun. Repair should be adjusted. If no excessive wear or clearance, you should check: first, the abrasion of steering worm gear and worm, or clearance is in accordance with the provisions, such as the large clearance should be adjusted; Second, wear parts of the steering device together, or whether to adjust too loose; Third, the redirect or installation parts loose; Fourth, the steering arm loose.
When the car running deviation, can check the following: whether the tire pressure is equal to or tire diameter are equal; Whether the wheel bearing side too tight; On both sides of the spring steel plate is uneven stretch or deformation; Before the beam is correct, camber Angle are equal; Steering knuckle arm, steering knuckle for bending or deformation; Rear axle shaft for bending tube; Wheel base on both sides are equal.
Check the wheel dynamic balancing. Tire assembly is correct, check whether the tire wear uniform, check the balance block assembly is correct. Check the wheel rim for deformation; The deflection of wheels for lateral or radial swing; Shock absorber for loose or wear; Steering linkage section, horizontal, straight or redirect or assembly for loose; Spring steel, U bolt clamping bolt for loose or damage; The Angle is correct; Tire pressure is correct. Except by high-speed put head to check the contents of the project, especially emphasize the check to the top of the following: tire pressure is correct; Steering knuckle bearing ever loose; To horizontal, straight linkage section ever loose; If there's any loose for steering gear assembly; Spring steel, U bolt clamping bolt for loose or damage; Spring plate whether residual deformation.
About maintenance the car is the best way is often checked the car; you will find problems early and avoid unnecessary losses. Here we recommend some car diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 IV, Launch X-431 PAD, Launch X431 Pro3, Autel MaxiSys MS908, Launch X-431 PADII and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/automotive-steering-system-fault-faqs/

Posted by: obdtools at 06:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 392 words, total size 5 kb.

February 03, 2015

Automobile appear 3 common problems after the rain

Condition 1: driving sideslip
Rainy days is slippery, the possibility of sideslip increase in traffic, in addition to good driving habits and skills, good brake with the state of the tire was the key to safe driving. The vast majority of car braking system is dual-pipes hydraulic braking vacuum booster. The brake fluid from transfer braking is extremely strong water imbibitions. If there is water into the brake fluid, in the process of braking, the high temperature of friction produces water vapor. And gas compressibility in the brake fluid is compressed, can cause brake failure and even failure.
The solution: some serious vehicle brake fluid bibulous, in the brake fluid oil droplets can be seen on the lid. So have to check the brake fluid during maintenance, to ensure driving safety. Once found the car brake fluid bibulous serious, should send professional repair shop in addition to the water.

In addition, before the rainy season if it is found that vehicle tire wear, loss of tire, and must be replaced. Someone to reduce tire pressure every rainy season, the purpose is to make the friction between tire and ground area increases, thus increase the adhesion, actually just the opposite, it is easier to cause the tire skid, keep the normal tire pressure is very important.

Condition 2: wiper failure
If you often drive a car in the heavy rain, the line of sight is not clear is the biggest hidden danger, the importance of wipers are evident. And at this point, if the wiper conditions such as vibration or have different ring, that you be careful, because it is likely to be in it to send warning to you.
Solution: increasing the monsoon rain must let the wipers to assume more responsibility, for wiper inspection and maintenance to be more careful. Because rainy days the road and the line of sight of them are good for driving, if the wiper cannot very good brush away the rain, it will be great danger to traffic, the wiper plays an important role, so more careful inspection and maintenance of it in place.

Owners themselves put wiper switch speed of various location, pay attention to the wiper is there a vibration at work or have different ring, check whether the wipers under different speed to keep a certain velocity, the status of the wiper and wiper strut uneven whether there is a swing or leakage phenomenon. Both fault in any kind of means that the wiper blade damage. At this time can be used, with finger touch on rubber wiper blades, check for damage and elasticity. If the crack of leaf aging, hardening, or, should be timely replacement. Replacement blades work is not complicated, can do it yourself. Remember to first figure out what kind of specifications of the car wiper blade.

Condition 3: rainy day engine start
In the rainy season is the most critical for cars "heart" - the engine maintenance. The owner on a rainy day when the engine is not easy to start with, sometimes even forced up, is also a whisper.
Solution: this problem from the ignition system is the biggest reason due to damp the leakage. Once found because of ignition system of the wet and cause adverse, engine ignition performance, can temporarily use dry paper towel or dry cloth to dry distribution plate and wire inside and outside, if because of aging leakage must be replaced immediately.

Rainy days also often wade, after wading car performance due to several water fell, serious can lead to the car can't run normally. This of course, also is most likely from the ignition system leakage caused by moisture. Because rain is the best conductor, turbid in electricity after water is likely to cause a short circuit.

If the move engine stalling doesn’t repeatedly ignition start-up, should wait for a period of time or checking circuit, otherwise extremely easy to cause the engine scrap. When the car should be timely after smooth wading through the circuit equipment for maintenance, can with a paper towel or dry cloth dry circuit one by one to start again.

Here we recommend some OBD diagnostic tools can help you test your car by yourself, such as: Launch X431 V Pro, Launch X431 Diagun III, Launch X431 GDS, Autel MaxiDas DS708 and so on.

Source: http://www.focalobd.com/blog/automobile-appear-3-common-problems-after-the-rain/

Posted by: obdtools at 06:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 729 words, total size 7 kb.

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