March 31, 2015

How to clean the car engine to improve performance

Found in the auto repair factory repair, car washing people in a continuous line, but few people clean the engine. Said engine is the car's "heart", so clean the engine is also very important, you can use the Auto diagnostic tool to check whether the engine is good, to avoid security problems.

Due to the use of the car environment is very complex, the engine used for a period of time, into the engine room of dust and impurities in the engine surface carbon and other harmful substances, if long time does not clean up these harmful substances, it will be transformed into sludge, penetrate the surface of the engine, will not only cause rusting metal parts, plastic parts deformation aging, but also lead to engine power reduced and fuel consumption increased, and even produce a variety of oxidation due to damage to the engine, if you are unsure, you can use Launch X-431 PAD and Launch X431 V Pro to be checked.

Therefore, to achieve the objective of saving, it is necessary for the engine regularly cleaning.

Cleaning the engine can ask the professionals, you can also do it yourself by following the procedure performed. First Auto Electric mask with plastic film, then the film with a wet towel on top of the lid to prevent high-pressure water rushed into the distributor, causing the car difficult to start. By the engine side from top to bottom will be attached to the class dirt engine and engine room side appearance rinse with water cannons; next engine external cleaning agent evenly sprayed around the engine and engine compartment.

Cool for about three minutes, with a fiber brush to clean all the parts that can reach the engine room, and rinse with water cannons quickly brushing off the dirt. Then external engine cleaner sprayed on engine surfaces (steps ibid.). Until the engine looks clean. Finally, rinse the engine with a wet towel and dry machine with hands REACH dry.

In addition, proper selection of some gasoline additives products can also reduce carbon deposition engine oil produced, when cleaning, avoid the time-consuming, in a timely manner use the Autel MaxiSys MS908 and Autel Maxidiag Elite MD701 auto tools, to improve the performance of the car there is a certain Help.


Posted by: obdtools at 06:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 388 words, total size 4 kb.

March 30, 2015

Exhaust smoke color can diagnose automobile problems

Automobile exhaust is the biggest factor in air pollution, in daily use the car, there may be too many people do not pay attention to their own car exhaust? However, the exhaust also contains more colors of automotive information in it, we can color from exhaust or OBD diagnostic tool to determine the car whether have problem. Look at the different colors represent exhaust what kind of information it.

White smoke
If you find smoke coming from the car, there may be a cylinder head gasket or engine damage caused by low temperatures. The former due to the cylinder head gasket is damaged cooling fluid into the combustion chamber, not only reduces the quality of the mixture, and the exhaust pipe into steam white smoke, then the need to replace the gasket; while the latter is due to the engine is cold the combustion chamber, with drops of water on the inner wall of the intake manifold, etc., together with a mixture combustion exhaust white smoke. In this case only improve vehicle temperature.

Blue exhaust smoke
If the car's exhaust emissions out of the blue, then you have to pay attention, because the car is likely to burn oil, and some brands of cars to a lot more to look at. If this phenomenon is best to check where the car round in the end there is a problem, you can use Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and Autel MaxiDas DS708 diagnostic tool for testing, early detection of problems will not cause too much damage to your car.

Generally because of the following reasons: the cylinder wall and the piston gap is too big, too much oil into the cylinder; oil sump inside adds a lot of oil fleeing into the cylinder; fleeing into the high-temperature gas cylinders inside the oil pan, so contaminated oil deterioration, thinning, affecting lubrication.

Black exhaust smoke
When black smoke exhaust pipe, usually burning gasoline over the car engine, cylinder gasoline mixture components beyond the normal level. You can use the Launch X431 Diagun III and Launch X431 V+ Pro3 diagnostic tool to check.

Generally because of the following reasons: air filter is dirty, inadequate intake; carburetor out of order; no carburetor EFI car, it may be contaminated oxygen sensor in the exhaust pipe, unable to gas distribution The computer provides the correct information. These problems will lead to carbon deposition valve affect the tightness of the combustion chamber, resulting in decreased engine power, resulting in decreased vehicle power, sluggish acceleration.


Posted by: obdtools at 06:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 424 words, total size 4 kb.

March 28, 2015

How to timely discovery brake failure

For brake failure, we may only appear in the braking force of brake or abnormal noise will be found. If you are traveling at high speed and other conditions, it is very dangerous! In fact, we usually use the Auto diagnostic tool you can determine the brake system problems, and these details are likely to be ignored for everyone.
brake failure
First, when the brakes shudder
This situation occurs mostly in old car, because the use of wear, brake disc surface roughness has a certain degree of misalignment. It is proposed that, as the case opt lathe sanding disc technology, or replace the brake pads.

Second, when the brake quickly stopped, the steering wheel will always to the side deflection
In fact, this situation is what we called "partial brake", the main reason for the failure is about the brake system Cylinder uneven forces on the brakes caused. And in the process of moving due to the rotation speed brakes, wheel cylinder uneven role in the fast friction difference is very small, we can hardly feel it. But when the vehicle stopped quickly when the difference is obvious, that the speed of the wheel stopped on one side of priority, the steering wheel will deflect. This may need to Launch X431 GDS and Launch X431 V Pro tools to detect.
brake failure
Third, driving need heat 10 minutes before the brake force
Is provided by the engine brake system pressure to promote calipers grip brakes, or push the brake drum friction brakes. So like the above conditions, may provide pressure transmission pipelines loss of pressure occurs, resulting in not timely provide braking force. This situation should be checked at the pretext of the vacuum booster hose and brake master cylinder engines have cracks or loose condition.
brake failure
Fourth, the brakes do not return
Step on the brake pedal, the pedal does not rise, no resistance, a phenomenon that the brakes do not return. Need Autel MaxiSys Mini MS905 and Autel MaxiSys MS908 tool to determine whether the brake fluid missing; whether the brake wheel cylinders, pipes and joints leak; whether the master cylinder, slave cylinder parts damaged.


Posted by: obdtools at 05:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 360 words, total size 4 kb.

March 27, 2015

How to maintain the vehicle fuel system

The fuel system is an important source to provide power for the car to run, a lot of cars with the failures are due to the fuel system is not working smooth, so how to maintain good vehicle maintenance in the fuel system is also an important part of, and in accordance with OBD diagnostic tool test results to distinguish fuel system maintenance methods will be slightly different. According to different engine fuel, the fuel system can be divided into gasoline and diesel vehicles, they should pay attention to what in the maintenance of the process?

Gasoline vehicle maintenance
Data show that: the 50% gasoline engine failure is caused by the fuel system, and the faults of fuel system and about 50% are caused by unclean because of fuel, therefore, How to remove the fuel oil in the water is an important part of the maintenance of diesel vehicles.

Gasoline will have some water, these are some of the extraction of water produced during some are generated due to external factors. At normal temperatures, the fuel may dissolve some moisture on their own, but in the winter the temperature decreases, the water solubility of the corresponding smaller, the excess amount of water will be dissolved together. The proportion of water is more than oil, it will slowly separated out, stay in the oil or filter the bend, causing the oil supply is not continuous. When the temperature is below the freezing point of water, the water will freeze coagulation, causing oil is not continuous.

In addition, gasoline, water will corrode and destroy the fuel supply system components. Therefore, we must timely use of Launch X-431 PAD and Launch X431 IV GX4 Master tool to effectively remove the fuel oil in the water, you can help the effectiveness of some detergents.

Diesel car maintenance
Diesel, for example, diesel fuel contains paraffin, which was dissolved at normal temperatures in diesel, and serves as lubricating oil and diesel fuel pump nozzle tip. In the winter, large temperature difference between morning and evening, and sometimes sudden cooling, paraffin will crystallization, thus crystals of various units together and form a "paraffin crystallization network" This network extends to all of the liquid, the complete control of diesel, resulting in Diesel loss of mobility, clogged filters, affecting the normal oil supply.

Once this phenomenon, the old traditional way is to spray the tank with water, you can make diesel fuel temperature, paraffin reintegration into diesel, but this method is not only time consuming, but can not completely dissolve paraffin diesel fuel, particularly paraffin oil pump and filter is inside. In this case, some people will be blended with gasoline or ethanol in diesel, used this method to solve the problem. But the engine oil system will cause a lot of negative effects. Such as excessive wear on the pump nozzle and fuel system components for corrosion.

The correct approach is actually very simple, as long as you join in gasoline or diesel fuel alcohol into a dedicated high-tech formula additives can, using Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and Autel MaxiSys Mini MS905 tools to detect. Meanwhile, in order to better conserve your car, maintenance of good fuel system, a method of maintenance of the regular cleaning is also very important.


Posted by: obdtools at 05:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 551 words, total size 5 kb.

March 26, 2015

Toyota car ignition key registration steps

After the new replacement parts, Toyota cars ignition key registration method:
1) After the engine ECU and the whole car lock core replacement, anti-theft alarm indication lamp flashes.

2) After the anti-theft alarm indication lamp flashes to confirm, insert a main ignition key (black) to the ignition switch.

3) About one second, burglar alarm light is off, the ignition key that registration is complete, then, You can also use the Launch X431 GDS and Launch X431 V+ Pro3 to check.

4) after the main ignition key registration is complete, burglar alarm indicator lights again.

5) anti-theft alarm status indicator lights after being confirmed, then pull out the ignition key. Insert two main ignition key (black) to the ignition switch.

6) About 1 seconds, burglar alarm light is off, the ignition key has been registered. After registration is complete, burglar alarm indicator lights again.

7) anti-theft alarm status indicator lights after being confirmed, then pull out the ignition key.

Insert the first three deputy ignition key (gray) to the ignition switch.

9) About 1 seconds, burglar alarm light is off, the ignition key has been registered.

10) After Unplug this ignition key, if burglar alarm LED flashes, which means that the registration is successful. If you want a quick registration, you can use the OBD diagnostic tool.

1) For the anti-theft ECU and engine ECU set as one unit (ECU), regardless of model, the ignition key of the registration of such methods are applicable.

2) registered ignition key sequence: the 1st main ignition key, the 2nd main ignition key, the 3rd Vice ignition key. If the ignition key to change the registration order, it can not properly registered.

3) If you do not make the correct registration method will cause the engine ECU recognizes only a handful of the ignition key, the ignition key into the ignition switch first one, so the other two could not start the engine, you need Autel MaxiSys MS908 and Autel MaxiDas DS708 diagnostic tool to repair cars.


Posted by: obdtools at 05:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 25, 2015

Cars common fault and repair methods

In the long-term use of the car will be some glitches, especially tires, fuel, brake system is the most prone to security risks. How that happens should deal with it? If you use Auto diagnostic tools, it is easy to solve this problem without having to go to the repair shop testing.

Troubleshooting I: a puncture.
The tires are most likely to be worn and damaged areas. Especially when walking the mountain will always be stones or nails puncture the tire, many owners in order to save trouble, go to roadside repair shop repair about to continue on their way, and in fact, this method can only be a temporary remedy, when running at high speed will have the very big safe hidden danger. Recommendations the owner to find professional auto repair shop for repair in the repair shop, because the professional shop have car diagnostic tools, and repair will be more secure with special heating after vulcanizing machine.

Troubleshooting II: fuel consumption have increased significantly.
After a period of time in the car, many owners will find that fuel consumption increased by 10% between then more than this in the offing. In fact, the fuel consumption by up also indicates that there has been a potential failure of the vehicle. This is the first thing to understand the reasons for increased fuel consumption, you can use the Launch X431 V Pro and Launch X431 Diagun III tools to detect and then to be addressed. Factors leading to increased fuel consumption are many. For example, the clutch slip number of revolutions of the engine will be lost, resulting in increased fuel consumption, the need for timely replacement of the clutch pressure plate and drive wheels.

Troubleshooting III: brake failure.
Brake failure include: brake pedal stroke is too large, the braking action is slow, and even loss of braking efficiency is low, increase braking distance. In this regard, there are three troubleshooting methods. Continuous brake pedal, pedal gradually increased and flexible feel, but when you pause for a moment and then pedal is still low, there is air in the brake system, exhaust brake system response time. Foot brake is not working, but when the brake pedal several times in a row tread with good results, the brake pedal free travel is generally too large or brake gap is too large. Pedal free travel should be adjusted, and then check the brake clearance, if necessary brake repair disintegration.

For the car appeared glitches, the owner must not be ignored, it is a reminder of the existence of your vehicle invisible faults, timely resolution or use Autel Diagnostic Tool, not only to ensure traffic safety, but also to extend the life of the vehicle. So, please take it seriously.


Posted by: obdtools at 06:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 465 words, total size 6 kb.

March 24, 2015

Audi automobile safety airbag use guide

FAW Volkswagen production Audi A6 sedan, airbags as standard. For the repair of the system failure, not only need OBD diagnostic tools, but also need to grasp the system composition, working principle and correct detection method.

Detection method and the matters needing attention in the process of maintenance
Airbag system installed on the Audi A6 sedan with a self-test function; every time the car will perform a self-test of the system; once the system detects a fault, the red light on the instrument AIR BAG will be president of the light. If the light is not on when you turn on the ignition switch, or in motion lights flashing, were indicative of a system failure, then the system needs to speak the line fault detection. Fault diagnosis of the system can only use special diagnostic VAG1551, VA G1552, V AS5051 or other Autel Diagnostic Tool and Launch Diagnostic Tool diagnosis.

Further, the system and other electronic control Audi vehicle systems, by using a dedicated diagnostic equipment, can be queried, part number and fault diagnosis system software version of its system, the implementation of the final element, clear fault code, and to read the data block The control unit encoding functions, the system address code is 15.

In the maintenance of the system needs attention to some of the following items.
1) prohibits the trigger line for testing, namely the driver and passenger side airbags, front and rear seat side airbags, and seatbelt tensioners trigger directly measure its resistance.

2) removable front driver and passenger side airbags, you must turn off the ignition, remove the negative battery cable. Driver's side airbag folded down, should be properly placed, prohibiting anti-put throw with touch.

3) airbag control unit must be replaced in the following cases: the driver or passenger side airbag is triggered after the first; front seat belt tensioner or side airbag is triggered three times; electrical lines under normal circumstances, Launch X-431 PAD and Launch X431 IV GX4 Master diagnostic system can not enter or fault code is displayed as 65535. In addition, the replacement of the control unit should be encoded.

No matter what the car is on the airbag, just as a safety auxiliary devices exist, can not use it as personal safety is guaranteed. Therefore, in daily driving, we should pay more attention to driving safety, be sure to use a seat belt device, or car diagnostic tools add a layer of security protection key.


Posted by: obdtools at 03:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 415 words, total size 6 kb.

March 21, 2015

How to solve the automotive air conditioning odor and refrigeration poor

Automotive air conditioning system is mainly based fluoride as the medium through the system pressure transformation, to reach refrigeration purposes. It consists of the evaporation tank, an expansion valve, a compressor, a blower, a condenser, a drying tank and lines. Evaporation tank is working in air conditioning systems work properly in cold environments encountered relatively hot outside air will produce water, which is in the evaporation tank structure, design outlet truth; wet environment evaporation tank and ventilation ducts and dust on the surface provides a breeding ground for mold and fungus favorable conditions for mold and fungus will soon multiply to mold and fungus group group of organisms that produce rotting smell that smell will open with the air conditioning, mixed in the air which, contaminate the entire car interior, occupants often make people feel uncomfortable, but also people have severe dizziness, chest tightness and discomfort. Early use of OBD diagnostic tool that can identify and solve such problems in advance.

Auto repair industry in order to solve this problem, is often demolished evaporation tank cleaning surface evaporation tank in order to achieve this approach fundamentally eliminate the odor, but every once demolished, they need to put fluoride, fluorine and other installation and processing a series of processes, cumbersome and technical difficulty, and low labor productivity. Because evaporation tank often work in a wet environment, and humid environment can easily produce mold, just to clear the air conditioning mold, over a period of time may have odors occur.

In addition, the automotive air conditioning systems as well as common problems and slight leakage of fluorine refrigerant adverse phenomenon, which also adds a lot more difficult to repair, Launch X431 V+ Pro3 and Launch X431 IV GX4 Master automotive tools can be easily resolved.

Automotive air conditioning system, air conditioning piping in power fluoro circulating from the compressor, the compressor lubrication oil is accomplished by fluorine. In the pipeline, together with the fluorine fluorine oil circulation to the entire system, which directly affect the flow of circulating air conditioning cooling performance, fluorine and fluorine oil for a long time at high temperature and high pressure and low temperature and pressure in the changing environment, coupled with the compressor work long hours under wear metal debris, etc., will produce gum and other deposits, some of these sediments are filtered out, part of the precipitation in each pipe, a small amount of the deposit does not affect the air conditioning cooling performance, but the deposition increasing material will affect the circulation flow rate of fluorine, which affects the air conditioning cooling performance. Air conditioning maintenance, we exclude the circuit, mechanical, pressure, temperature (including engine temperature) and fluorine and other reasons, the air conditioning refrigeration is still bad, we can use Autel MaxiSys MS908 and Autel MaxiSys Mini MS905 tool, the problem would be easily solved.


Posted by: obdtools at 03:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 485 words, total size 7 kb.

March 20, 2015

Car navigation systems correct use method

Now many owners prefer to put a navigator in the car, which is equivalent to a portable electronic map, the owner can use according to general navigation knowledge to operate on the line, consumers can choose to install it on the Auto Diagnostic Tool Online Store and by product Instructions on the line specific operating procedures, so can save a lot of effort. Let's look at the proper use of the navigator.

1. So I suggest you do not the navigator on the dashboard, especially in the summer, the scorching sun damage caused direct lighting navigator.

2. Buy a new navigator for the first time best charge more than 10 hours.

3. The first start the car, after inserting the cigarette lighter power after the end of the navigation unplug the cigarette lighter, and then plug in the next launch vehicle, which will help protect the machine battery, extending battery life.

4. Do not put sharp navigator beside the hard stuff, so as not to damage the navigator screen mesh.

5. After the shutdown sequence to follow this: Turn off the page, and then shut down, unplug some owners finally exhausted directly pull the plug, never shut down, this is easy, but a long time is easy to damage electronic components. You can use the Launch X431 GDS and Launch X431 V Pro diagnostic tool check its problems, timely maintenance and avoid accidents.

General method enabled car navigation systems. Push the SD memory card, do not be pushed to the SD card write-protection, to be positive towards the front of the host, the SD memory card gently into the jack, are pre- Switch to the position [OFF] So, when for the first time, please switch to the position [ON], and enter the main interface, you can then start using the car navigation system; a delay when the screen can not switch, button no effect or a stylus tap system does not respond, press [RESET] key hole system reset, you can also use Autel MaxiDAS DS708 and Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P reset.


Posted by: obdtools at 03:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 347 words, total size 5 kb.

March 19, 2015

How to maintain the car battery

Battery plays an important role in the automobile use process, if it can not supply normal, car will not start running, while the car's power consumption in winter than in other seasons is much greater, and the battery is also afraid of low temperature, low temperature battery electrical capacitance is much lower than the normal temperature. So after entering the winter, special care for the battery is quite necessary, the battery life of about two years, if you use OBD Diagnostic Tool to check and timely care can prolong life.

First, external battery with a damp cloth to wipe it again, the panel, on the stigma (ie, both positive and negative poles) of dirt, oil, white powder and so easy to wipe clean the dirt caused by leakage and apply special grease to protect trailer coupling, to prevent corrosion.

The second step is to check the battery electrolyte leakage or deformation phenomenon. Some models are equipped with all maintenance-free battery, relevant or labels, do not disassemble the battery for this, if there is leakage, deformation of the phenomenon, it is best to go to the pits to solve. Maintenance-free battery life of about two years, expired on the use of Launch X431 Diagun III tool to check the battery voltage load voltage and starting performance, promptly replace if necessary.

The third step, if the car is parked in the open air or cold a few weeks do not, you should remove the batteries, stored in a warmer room, to prevent freezing damage to the rear battery self-discharge. When the ambient temperature is below minus 10 degrees, fully discharged battery will freeze, you must thaw the frozen processed before charging the battery, or directly charging may cause an explosion. If this happens, it is best to use a professional car repair small current slow charging stations.

So, in fact, battery maintenance is not difficult, you can try to use the owner Launch X431 GDS and Autel MaxiSys MS908 diagnostic tools, car to do maintenance on a regular basis, to extend its working life.


Posted by: obdtools at 05:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 350 words, total size 3 kb.

March 13, 2015

Three kinds of methods to solve the problem of automobile horn

Speaker is a device frequently used while driving, like OBD Diagnostic Tool for the mechanic is the same, if the speaker appear problem, it will be very convenient when driving. Sometimes honked the horn, very hoarse, and even a little voice at all. what causes it?
Let's take a look at how the horn works. When you press the horn button on the steering wheel or other locations, the current from the battery flows through the loop on the horn relay solenoid, solenoid relay attract dynamic contact switch is closed, current will flow to the speaker place. Electromagnet current work inside the horn, so that the diaphragm vibration sound. If the problem is not very serious, the owner can solve their own, Launch X-431 PAD and Launch X431 Diagun III Auto Diagnostic tool can check and fix this problem.
solve the problem of automobile horn
The failure in many of the speakers, especially some design defects speaker mounting location, in the rain, very easy to cause the horn drenched by rain, causing damage to the speaker. When the speaker does not ring, common failure parts have no more than 3 points, namely the horn itself, horn switch contacts and the horn wiring harness, when fault occurs can refer to the following steps to check, of course, you also need some car diagnostic tools.
(1) Sometimes does not ring, press the horn switch, if the speaker sometimes loud, sometimes not loud, mostly horn switch contacts inside the contact is not good, and some are also speaker itself.

(2) hoarseness is due to poor contact plugs, especially the various contacts around the steering wheel, as a result of frequent use, easy to make contacts to wear.

(3) does not ring entirely first checks to see if the fuse is blown, then unplug the speaker plug, use a multimeter to measure when the horn switch here has power. If there is no power, check the horn and horn relay harness; if there is electricity, it is the speaker itself is the problem, then you can try to adjust the adjusting nut on the horn to see if sound, or you can use Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P or Autel MaxiSys MS908 auto tool, if still does not ring, you need to replace the speaker.


Posted by: obdtools at 05:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 393 words, total size 5 kb.

March 12, 2015

Use and Maintenance Guide of Car Battery

Among all the car maintenance, the battery maintenance is also very important. While many car owners do not pay enough attention and have not a better knowledge of both the using and the maintenance of the car battery. As a result, they have not formed a good using habit and make the battery life shortened, and even do harm to the other electrical equipment. So, how to check whether the battery can still support working with your car? Maybe you can use a car diagnostic tool for help. A common battery life can be up to 2 or 3 years, if unreasonable used, you may change the battery of your car within 4 months.
Well, how to judge whether the battery need charged, and not make it in a state of loss of electricity? You can determine the working state of the battery by the brightness of the headlights or the strength of the stereo sound. If you wait until the brightness of the light become dark, the power storage would have entered into a state of loss of electricity and unable to start. In order to guarantee the normal work of the battery car owners should better start the engine to recharge it for every half an hour after the using of the battery.
Here are four errors for the using of the battery. All should pay attention:
1. Not charged with the new battery for the first use

Battery charged at the first time is called the first charge, which has a big influence for the battery life of your car. If not charged, and used directly, the capacity if the battery will be not large enough and shorten the battery life. While if charged directly, it will also shorten the battery life. In general, the first charging of the battery is after filling the electrolyte, and use a small current to charge it for about one hour and then you can use it.

2. Ignore the vent of battery
The vent of the new battery cover is usually sealing, when using you must first remove the adhesive paper, otherwise the air vent cannot be ruled out the gas during the chemical reactions, and will lead to an explosion because of the high pressure.

3. Too freely to add distilled water for the battery
Usually after adding the water for the accumulator, you must let the car run for a period of time, and charge the battery through the generator, making the distilled water and electrolyte fully mixed, and then the battery performance will not be affected. Well, after a long time of driving, we suggest you to use a king of tool to make a full checking for your car, including the battery life, such as the Autel MaxiSys Pro MS908P and Launch X431 IV GX4 Master Auto Diagnostic Tool, both are the best choice for you. Conversely, if not running after adding distilled water, distilled water and electrolyte will not be fully mixed, and it can cause the battery self-discharged or damage battery polarity.

4. Battery charge capacity not matched with the engine
If the charge capacity and engine don't match, battery charge quantity is small, the startup resistance increase, battery will put severe electricity, and is sure to shorten the battery life. If charging a small car with large capacity, the active substance will not be fully used, as a result, it will lead to a decline in economy. When loading, the battery is based on the starter battery power, voltage and the load of electrical equipment, so in exchange, it is important to note that matching the engine charge capacity.

Well, for more detailed information about the car maintenance please continue to pay attention to our Auto Diagnostic Tool Online Store and we will upload the latest and most practical knowledge for maintaining your loved car for you.


Posted by: obdtools at 05:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 653 words, total size 6 kb.

March 11, 2015

Five Problems of Air Conditioning System

In hot summer, it is a necessary to use the air conditioning. However, most of car owners do not pay more attention of the automobile air conditioning maintenance. Just using and never think of the maintaining methods, after a long time, it is sure to lead to problems with the air conditioning of your loved car. Maybe you are still not sure whether your car air conditioning can work well or has been damaged by improper use, and then you should have it fully checked with a kind of OBD Diagnostic Tool for diagnosis. Well, what problems will usually appear on the car air conditioning?

1. Clean water tank and condenser
Water tank and condenser are the important parts of the vehicle cooling system and air conditioning. With the long time of using, dust, sand and catkin will be mixed in the gap between the two, as a result, it will influence the water temperature and the performance of air conditioning refrigeration.
2. Check the air pressure and change refrigerant
First, check it is the high pressure test tube or low pressure test tube, and connected with the fluoride pressure test table, after that, start your car with a lower speed. And then turn on the air conditioning switch, and turn it up to the maximum for checking, the checking result should not be more than 300 under the idling situation and no less than 60.
3. How to choose the best oil viscosity in summer?
Many car owners may complain about using more oil. In fact, in summer, they can choose the low viscosity lubricating oil in the summer, of course, which can be just used under the situation of good shape, smaller wear. While for the cars that have run too long, and with an older age, it is better to use the lubricating oil with bigger viscosity.
4. How to clean the air flue and replace filter?
The original filter life of the automobile is 12000 kilometers once a time under normal use. It is very simple to clean the air flue of the car. Block the air outlet up with wet towel, and adjust the speed to the maximum, thus the dust will be absorbed on the towel. In addition, you can also use the air conditioning duct cleaning agent, added with the high pressure air gun and clean it for two or three times so that you can gain the purpose of cleaning. As we know, good filter is sure to be very important for the normal operation of your car. Here we suggest you to go to an online car diagnostic tool shop for help, and choosing the best tools for checking, such as Autel MaxiDas DS708, Launch X431 Diagun III, Launch X-431 PAD Auto Diagnostic Tool, etc
5. How to get rid of the musty of the air conditioning?
Some car owners may find that there will be a smell of musty on the air outlet when turning on the air conditioning, this is because you have not cleaned up the air flue in time. The most simple method to solve it is to clean the air flue, also you can make it with the help of the air conditioning duct cleaning agent. Moreover, after using the air conditioning, you should not shut in down immediately, instead, keeping the air switch on about 5 minutes.
Besides, you should also pay more attention to the use of the circulatory system both inside or outside the car during hot summer. Lots of cars use the manual air conditioning, when adopting the outside loop, wind will be entered into the car conditioning from the outside of the car, while the inner cir


Posted by: obdtools at 05:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 624 words, total size 7 kb.

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